
Telegram bot 101: How to start with the Telegram API by Oleksandr Pypenko

Telegram bot 101: How to start with the Telegram API by Oleksandr Pypenko

what is a telegram bot

You may have heard about Telegram bots or even use them on a daily basis; however, for many people, they seem like small pieces of magic that somehow accomplish tasks. You can transfer ownership of your bot to another user.To do this, send /mybots, select your bot, then transfer ownership.You can only transfer a bot to users who have interacted with it at least once. When working with the test environment, you may use HTTP links without TLS in the url field of both LoginUrl and WebAppInfo.

The case statement’s input is fed through from the message variable after it’s been cleaned up by the gem’s get_command_for method. The bot’s reply text is set depending on the command stored and then finally sent with send_with before the loop restarts. The three lines above add the Telegram bot functionality to your file and then create a new bot object from the how to set up cryptocurrency exchange TelegramBot class, authenticated with your token so the program knows where to send the data. Naturally, this simplified logic will change the bot’s behavior for everyone – not just the person who sent the command.

Chat and User Selection

In this tutorial, we’ll use TelegramBots, but you can follow along with any equivalent implementation, since all the underlying methods are either similar or exactly the same. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to build your first Telegram Bot.If you already know your way around some of the basic steps, you can jump directly to the part you’re missing. Equivalent examples are available in C#, Python, Go and TypeScript . Note that both the Description and the About text can be natively localized – each user will automatically see the correct translation for their language. When new users open your bot, they will be met with a helpful description in a box titled “What can this bot do? Your local instance runs on port 8081 by default and will only accept HTTP requests, so a TLS termination proxy has to be used to handle remote HTTPS requests.

To do that, just add extends TelegramLongPollingBot right after Bot.A red line will appear – it simply means we’re missing some important methods. The beauty of such libraries is that they abstract the interaction part and provide you with methods and objects to work with. You don’t need what is full stack developer key skills required java python to focus on how to properly implement long polling or parse received JSON; instead, you focus on the business logic of your bot. Transferring ownership will give full control of the bot to another user – they will be able to access the bot’s messages and even delete it.

  1. Big companies utilize bots to offer support features to their users.
  2. If your bot is a mini app, you can add a prominent Launch app button as well as demo videos and screenshots to the bot’s profile.
  3. Bots are special accounts that do not require a telephone number to set up and correspond to an interface for code running on one or multiple servers.

Telegram bot 101: How to start with the Telegram API

It is available on a variety of platforms, including iOS, Android and desktop (Windows and OSX). The Bot API allows you to easily create programs that use Telegram messages for an interface. The Telegram API and TDLib allow you to build your own customized Telegram clients. Lastly, the Gateway API allows any business, app or website to send verification codes through Telegram instead of traditional SMS.

what is a telegram bot

TDLib – build your own Telegram

Telegram has been constantly gaining traction and has now become one of the most popular messaging applications around the globe. In this tutorial, we demonstrated how to create a new Telegram bot, generate a token to be used for API calls and how to build functionality around it. In the response, you should be able to access the token generated, which can be used to control our newly created bot. In order to avoid hitting our limits when sending out mass notifications, consider spreading them over longer intervals, e.g. 8-12 hours.

Respond to message updates by calling send… methods (e.g. sendMessage). Bots can tailor their interfaces to support multiple languages – updating inputs and information on the fly. A user’s language_code is included in every relevant update as an IETF language tag, allowing bots to adapt accordingly.

Next, type bundle to install the gem dependencies, and then ruby bot.rb to start the bot running permanently. The basic bits are there, which means you can swap them out and extend them easily. That obsession fueled my first forays into code, and resulted in a ton of fun bots. For example, this one that describes scary-sounding places by combining words at random, and this one that paints PNGs in block colors. Depending on which language you chose, you might have to configure your server environment differently. Using how to buy bitcoin in 7 steps 2021 these buttons is as easy as attaching a ReplyKeyboardMarkup or an InlineKeyboardMarkup to your SendMessage object.

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